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Terms containing A message | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
commun.acceptance of a successful messageaccept af en vellykket meddelelse
commun.answer to a paging messagesvare på paging-meddelelser
commun., ITbody of a messageen meddelelses indhold
commun.format of a messagemeddelelsesformat
commun.format of a messageformat af meddelelse
commun.non-reception of a messagemanglende modtagelse af meddelelse
commun.return a RELEASE message,totilbagesende en RELEASE-meddelelse
comp., MSSend first name a quick messageSend fornavn en hurtig besked (The message text box that is displayed on a contact's summary page)
comp., MSShare a quick messageDel en hurtig besked (The link that prompts someone to enter a personal message to share, if the personal message field is currently empty. The personal message appears on someone's Profile page, and in Messenger)
commun.spread a messagesprede en meddelelse
commun., ITstorage device for oral messages in a solid stateudstyr til opbevaring af mundtlige meldinger
commun.termination of a message due to reception errorsafslutning af en meddelelse p.g.a modtagelsesfejl
commun., ITvalidity period of a messagegyldighedsperiode for meddelelse