
Terms for subject Accounting containing work in progress | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Capital Work in ProgressНезавершённые капитальные вложения (CWIP; Capital work in progress represents costs incurred to date on a fixed asset which is still under construction at the balance sheet date. accountingclarified.com Millie)
capital work-in-progressнезавершённое капитальное строительство (It is an asset on the balance sheet that is not considered to be a final product, but must still be accounted for because funds have been invested toward its production. It is thus a work that has not been completed but has already incurred a capital investment answers.com SvEl)
change in work in progress, semi-finished and finished productsизменение незавершенного производства (VictorMashkovtsev)
resettlement of work in progress statementведомость пересчёта незавершённого производства (Interex)
work in progressНЗП (WIP) незавершенное производство Ying)