
Terms for subject General containing with each other | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be contemporary with each otherотноситься к одному и тому же времени (People or groups that are active during the same time are contemporary with each other. For example, the Beatles and the Beach Boys were contemporaries (the word also works as a noun) because they were active at the same time.: all four texts were produced by poets contemporary with each other and ostensibly sharing the same nationality, 'More)
be contemporary with each otherотноситься к одной и той же эпохе (People or groups that are active during the same time are contemporary with each other. For example, the Beatles and the Beach Boys were contemporaries (the word also works as a noun) because they were active at the same time.: all four texts were produced by poets contemporary with each other and ostensibly sharing the same nationality, 'More)
be contemporary with each otherотноситься к одному и тому же периоду (People or groups that are active during the same time are contemporary with each other. For example, the Beatles and the Beach Boys were contemporaries (the word also works as a noun) because they were active at the same time.: all four texts were produced by poets contemporary with each other and ostensibly sharing the same nationality, 'More)
bond with each otherсдружиться
catch up with each other's newsделиться новостями (after some general catching up with each other's news, we started talking about mutual acquaintances VLZ_58)
communicate comfortably with each otherспокойно общаться друг с другом (Alex_Odeychuk)
communicate with each other by tappingперестукиваться
confuse with each otherсмешивать
connect with each otherсвязаться друг с другом (maystay)
contend with each otherпротивоборствовать (of two people)
democracies don't go to war with each otherдемократии не воюют друг с другом (bookworm)
Euphie and John carried on a long correspondence with each otherЮфи и Джон понаписали друг другу уйму писем
events contemporary with each otherсобытия, происшедшие одновременно
feud with each otherбыть в контрах
feud with each otherконфликтовать
feud with each otherгрызться
feud with each otherжить как кошка с собакой
feud with each otherвраждовать
feud with each otherсхватиться
feud with each otherперессориться
feud with each otherсцепится
fight with each other for a placeдраться друг с другом из-за места
I know him perfectly well, though we are not acquainted with each otherя прекрасно его знаю, хотя мы и не знакомы (Soulbringer)
in competition with each otherнаперехват
in competition with each otherнаперерыв (= наперебой)
in competition with each otherнаподхват
in competition with each otherнаперебой
in competition with each otherнаперерыв
incompatible with each otherнесовместимые друг с другом
it is difficult to relate these phenomena with each otherтрудно установить связь между этими двумя явлениями
join hands with each otherвзяться за руки (в знак солидарности)
quarrel with each otherссориться друг с другом (with one's best friend, with her brother about his report, with her brother over his report, etc., и т.д.)
quarrel with each otherпоссориться друг с другом (with one's best friend, with her brother about his report, with her brother over his report, etc., и т.д.)
quarrel with each otherперессориться
SQL-card is exchanged by radio amateurs to confirm radio communications with each otherкарточка-квитанция высылается в подтверждение факта установления связи между радиолюбителями
the boys pelt each other with pieces of rolled up paperмальчишки бросали друг в друга скатанными комочками бумаги
the children were jostling with each otherДети толкали друг друга
the events are linked with each otherэти события связаны друг с другом
the laws may in some cases conflict with each otherслучается, что законы противоречат один другому
the two ministers did not close with each otherдва министра не смогли договориться между собой
their interests interfere with each otherих интересы сталкиваются
there's something wrong with this machine the wheels aren't meshing properly with each otherс этим механизмом что-то не так, шестерни не входят в зацепление
these groups do not coordinate well with each other and each has its own agenda and interestsэти группы не очень хорошо координируются друг с другом: у каждой из них – своя программа действий и свои интересы
these two accounts don't hitch in with each otherэти два доклада не вяжутся друг с другом
these two accounts don't hitch in with each otherэти два доклада расходятся не вяжутся друг с другом
these two chemicals interact interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosionэти два вещества взаимодействуют при определённой температуре, образуя взрывчатое вещество
they are always squabbling with each other over triflesони всегда пререкаются друг с другом из-за всякой ерунды
they chaffed with each otherони обменивались шутками
they clicked with each other as soon as they metони понравились друг другу с первого взгляда
they flew into each other's arms with impetuosityони кинулись друг другу в объятия
they saluted each other with a frigid bowпри встрече они обменялись холодными поклонами
they shouted out at each other with a river betweenони громко переругивались через реку
vying with each otherнаперерыв (= наперебой)
vying with each otherнаперебой
watch each other with suspicionотносятся друг к другу с подозрением
with one's arms around each otherв обнимку (UniversalLove)
with each otherдруг с другом
with each otherдруг с дружкой (= друг с другом)
with each otherодин с другим (I. Havkin)