
Terms for subject Proper and figurative containing with | all forms | exact matches only
be with itбыть в тренде (He's with it. He's a rock-n-roll connoisseur. mahavishnu)
go over with a fine tooth combпрочесать частым гребнем (Rust71)
service with a smileклиент всегда прав (Taras)
utter with a cooпроворковать
with all one's heartот глубины души
with one hand behind one's back, doочень легко без труда делать что-то (mahavishnu)
with open armsс распростёртыми объятиями
with one's tail between one's legsс поджатым хвостом
with one's tail between one's legsс поджатым хвостом (When he saw the bear, he turned around and ran with his tail between his legs. || The guy ran off with his tail between his legs. • Back like a dog with his tail between his legs.)