
Terms for subject Bible containing will | all forms | exact matches only
Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will do this.Предай Господу путь твой, и уповай на Него, и Он совершит (Psalm 37:5-9New International Version (NIV) Andrey Truhachev)
I will rain bread from heavenя одождю вам хлеб с неба
Nothing is hidden, that will not be disclosedнет ничего тайного, что не сделалось бы явным. (Евангелие от Луки)
the truth will set you freeи истина сделает вас свободными (от Иоанна 8:32 stachel)
the will be doneда будет воля твоя
vengeance is mine, I will repayМщение за мной, я воздам (Ballistic)
vengeance is mine, I will repayмне отмщение, и аз воздам
whom much is given, much will be requiredкому много дано, с того много и спрашивается ("From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" (Luke 12:48). This statement of Jesus has become somewhat of an idiom in Western culture and is found, paraphrased, in Uncle Ben's words of wisdom to Peter Parker in Spider-man: "With great power comes great responsibility." VLZ_58)