
Terms for subject Religion containing wicked | all forms | exact matches only
the Wicked BibleБиблия нечестивых
the Wicked BibleБиблия прелюбодеев
wicked and adulterous generationрод лукавый и прелюбодейный
Wicked BibleБиблия нечестивых (So called be.cause the word "not" was omitted in the seventh commandment, Ex:20:14)
Wicked Prayer Book Printed in 1686, in the Epistle for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity the following passage occurs: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idoltary... they who do such things shall inherit the kingdom of God", instead of "shall not inherit""Молитвенник нечестивых"
wicked workзлое дело
wicked worldгрешный мир