
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing what’s what | all forms | in specified order only
find what's o'clockпонять, что к чему (Bobrovska)
find what's o'clockобнаружить действительное положение вещей (Bobrovska)
he knows what's good for himу него губа не дура
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
know what's o'clockзнать действительное положение вещей (Bobrovska)
know what's o'clockпонимать, что к чему (Bobrovska)
let's call it what it isназовём вещи своими именами (Let's call it what it is. This is anarchy. ART Vancouver)
let's see what you're made ofпосмотрим, из какого теста ты сделан (SirReal)
show someone what's whatпоказать кузькину мать (Anglophile)
teach someone what's whatпоказать кузькину мать (Anglophile)
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот отчего сыр-бор разгорелся
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот откуда сыр-бор разгорелся
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот отчего сыр-бор загорелся
that's what all the fuss is aboutвот откуда сыр-бор загорелся
that's what I keep telling everyone!вот об этом я и говорю! (Himera)
that's what I keep telling everyone!о чём я и говорю!
that's what I keep telling everyone!а я о чём? (Himera)
that's what it all boils down toвот где собака зарыта (4uzhoj)
Today, for instance, I took a sheep to town. Why not? You've got to feed the people somehow – that's what we're here forя вот отнёс барашка в город. А как же? Кормить-поить народ надо-мы к тому приставлены (Г. Троепольский, Белый Бим Чёрное ухо Taras)
what is the oddsкакая разница? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
what's cooking, good looking?хорошо выглядишь, как дела? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
what's holding matters up?за чем дело стало? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
what's in a name?имя ни о чём не говорит (Andrey Truhachev)
what's in a name?имя лишь пустой звук (Andrey Truhachev)
what's in a name?имена – лишь пустой звук (Andrey Truhachev)
what's in the windчто новенького? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
what's in the windкак дела? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
what's it got to do with me?при чём тут я?
what's the drill?что я должен делать? (‘And meanwhile what's the drill? Do I kiss you a good deal from time to time?' ‘No, you don't.' ‘Right ho. I just want to know where I stand.' ‘An occasional passionate glance will be ample.' (P.G. Wodehouse) = Что я должен делать? ART Vancouver)
what's the hitch?в чём проблема? (macrugenus)
what's your point?и что дальше? (Yeah, I am white. What's your point? Shabe)
what's your point?и дальше что? (Shabe)
what's your point?и что? (SirReal)