
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing ups | all forms
be up to no goodиметь нехорошие намерения (Taras)
be up your street UK, be up your alleyUSэто по вашей части (That would be right up your street. firefly_s)
belly upнесуществующий (After several financial failures, the organization went belly up." После нескольких финансовых неудач, организация прекратила существование. Interex)
big up"качок" (To increase one's muscle mass through exercise. Interex)
big upкультурист (To increase one's muscle mass through exercise. Interex)
blow up sky-highне оставить камня на камне (Bobrovska)
build from the ground upпостроить с нуля (Clients told me how these lists were unhelpful and actually caused more confusion. So I built this diet from the ground up. ART Vancouver)
build from the ground upсоздать с нуля (Clients told me how these lists were unhelpful and actually caused more confusion. So I built this diet from the ground up. ART Vancouver)
chalk sth. up toотнести на счёт (Отнести за счет (или на счет) кого-чего — усмотреть причину чего-л. в ком-л. или чём-л.: "As one might expect, UFO enthusiasts contend that the object is not of human origin and, thus, is some kind of alien vehicle. (...) Skeptics, no doubt, will chalk the event up to a technical error or celestial misidentification." – скептики спишут на неполадки / отнесут за счёт неполадок (www.coasttocoastam.com) • A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
chalk sth. up toсписать на (She doesn't even bother to say thank you, but I just chalk it up to bad manners and try not to let it bother me. • Woods reportedly had been more quiet than usual that day, which most just chalked up to tiredness. • Вроде и на «плохую погоду» не списать — дороги сухие, снега толком не было, а тем не менее горожане долго не могли добраться до пунктов назначения. (sevastopol.su) mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
clean up the messнавести порядок (напр., в экономике: When Liberal PM Jean Chretien together with Minister of Finance Paul Martin came to power they knew immediately that they had to clean up the mess Justin Trudeau's father – Pierre Trudeau – created to the economy. They brought in austerity and cut spending 10% straight across the board. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
cock upнепреднамеренно (Unintentionally. Interex)
come up to the chalkбыть в форме (амер. Bobrovska)
come up to the chalkэнергично действовать (амер. Bobrovska)
get tangled up with someone/somethingсвязаться с кем-либо / чем-либо (The boy had gotten tangled up with a bad bunch of kids and was in serious trouble. / It is a huge mistake to get tangled up with drugs.)
get tangled up with someone/somethingспутаться с кем-либо / чем-либо (The boy had gotten tangled up with a bad bunch of kids and was in serious trouble. / It is a huge mistake to get tangled up with drugs.)
get up to speedвывести на требуемый уровень (The new manager is trying to get the company up to speed. ART Vancouver)
keep smb. up to the collarзаваливать работой (Bobrovska)
keep smb. up to the collarне давать передохнуть (Bobrovska)
light upозариться улыбкой (*one's face lights up* — used to say that someone looks pleased and happy: Her face lit up when she saw him. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
physical make-upфизическое строение (Today we exactly know the physical make-up of animals/Сегодня мы точно знаем особенности физического строения животных nadine3133)
pull up stakesперебраться на новое место (But there’s no evidence that faster population growth raises GDP per capita, which is the best measure of living standards. In other words, the highest migration rate in the Western world isn’t necessarily helping most Canadian families get ahead. So more than a few are pulling up stakes to find somewhere more attractive to prosper. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
right up one's streetто, что доктор прописал (Taras)
right up one's streetэто как раз то, что доктор прописал (Taras)
right up one's streetэто как раз по моей части (Taras)
right up one's streetэто как раз по мне (Taras)
right up one's streetэто мне по кайфу (Taras)
right up one's streetэто мне по душе (Taras)
right up one's streetв самый раз (Taras)
set up one's combважничать (устар. Bobrovska)
set up one's combхорохориться (устар. Bobrovska)
set up one's combзадирать нос (устар. Bobrovska)
set up homeустраиваться (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
set up homeосесть (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
set up homeоседать (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
set up homeустроиться (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
set yourself up as somethingначать свой бизнес (He initially set himself up as a bookseller in New York nadine3133)
that's a turn-up for the booksкто бы мог подумать (Well, that's a turn-up for the books – I never thought he'd get the job. • Well this is a turn-up for the books. After almost four years of banging the BlackBerry 10 drum it seems the Canadian firm has finally admitted defeat, launching its first Android smartphone. 4uzhoj)
that's not up to meмоё дело маленькое (Taras)
throw up your handsразводить руками (Ivan Pisarev)
turn the dial up to 11доводить до максимума, выжимать все соки (wikipedia.org JoyAA)
up a creek without a puddleпопасть в переделку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up a creek without a puddleбыть в жопе (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up someone's alleyбыть в кругу чьих-либо интересов (Taras)
up someone's alleyбыть в кругу чьих-либо способностей (Taras)
up and aboutпоправиться после болезни (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up and aboutвстал (с постели, после сна, не обязательно после болезни: 'So you're up and about, are you?' she boomed. 'I thought you'd be in bed, snoring your head off.' (P.G. Wodehouse)) – Ты уже встал?  ART Vancouver)
up and aboutбыть на ногах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up and runningготов к труду и обороне (Sloneno4eg)
up-closeиз первых рук (senia_m)
up for grabsкто первый, тот и в дамках
up one's gameулучшать своё мастерство (Taras)
up one's gameпостараться, приложить больше усилий, улучшить (kotofyr)
up in armsвстречать в штыки (We heard the news over the radio at lunch break and I tell you, we were really up in arms about it. PetruhaXI)
up in armsв полной боевой готовности
up in the cloudsна седьмом небе (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up in the cloudsна небесах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up in yearsпрестарелый (macrugenus)
up one side and down the otherтщательно (markovka)
up shits creekпопасть в переделку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up the anteрискнуть (WhatIfSports was a side project of a couple of sports fans working for a computer consulting company in Cincinnati, Ohio. After numerous lunchroom debates on which great historical baseball teams would win if they could play each other, a few guys decided to up the ante [and] undertake the challenge of trying to write an advanced baseball simulator ... that would work on a website. wikipedia.org)
up the anteужесточать наказание (on someone: The new law ups the ante on people who cheat on their taxes.)
up the anteзадавать новый уровень (on something – чего-либо: The film ups the ante on special effects.)
up the anteусложнять задачу (себе или кому-то другому: When runners cross-train for events, they often up the ante by running on sand. • At the same time, leaders of the sport have continued to up the ante, organizing harder and longer races.)
up the poleпод мухой
up to a thing or twoсебе на уме (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up to parна уровне (Баян)
up to snuffрысь битая (Alex_Odeychuk)
up to the jobсправляться (Though some of her spy trainers were unsure whether Khan was up to the job, she was given a dangerous mission VLZ_58)
up to the taskспособен справиться (be ~; с работой, поставленным заданием или задачей: Home is where the warmth is. Make sure your furnace or fireplace is up to the task this winter. Our services guarantee a snug and comfortable home. Contact us for a free estimate. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
whipped upуставший (Yeldar Azanbayev)
whipped upизмождённый (Yeldar Azanbayev)
work up to the collarбез устали работать (Bobrovska)