
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ups | all forms | exact matches only
auto top-upавтоматическое пополнение счета (A Skype feature that enables automatic payments so that the user doesn't run out of Skype Credit. Rori)
Check that Anti-Spyware Product is up-to-date.Проверка необходимости обновления антишпионской программы (Windows 8 Rori)
Clean Upочистка (An action that removes redundant messages from an e-mail conversation to reduce information overload and improve readability)
roll upсведе́ние (On the Gantt Chart, to display symbols on a summary task bar that represent subtask dates. You can roll up dates from subtasks to make important dates easily visible on a summary task bar)
set up the requirementsнастроить требования (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
tune-upподстройка (An adjustment made to improve working order or efficiency)
up-down barsполосы повышения и понижения (In line charts with multiple data series, bars that indicate the difference between data points in the first and last series. Rori)
UPS serviceслужба ИБП (A service that manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to a computer)
UPS serviceслужба UPS
UPS zoneзона UPS (A geographical division used by the U.S.-based carrier, UPS, to determine shipping time and costs)