
Terms containing understand clearly | all forms | in specified order only
cliche.clearly understandчётко понимать (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
gen.clearly understandчётко понять (Alexander Demidov)
gen.he couldn't understand anything clearlyон толком не мог ничего понять
gen.he was unable to understand clearlyу него вскружился ум
gen.he was unable to understand clearlyвскружилась голова
Makarov.she was clearly given to understandей недвусмысленно дали понять
Makarov.understand clearlyясно понимать
Makarov.understand clearlyхорошо понимать
Makarov.understand clearlyконечно (особ. в ответе)