
Terms for subject Botany containing trumpet | all forms | exact matches only
Angel's trumpet treeдурман душистый (Datura suaveolens Aly19)
Angel's trumpet treeбрумгансия душистая (Brugmansia suaveolens Aly19)
black trumpet mushroomкратереллус воронковидный (Voisko)
black trumpet mushroomгриб "рог изобилия" (кратереллус воронковидный Voisko)
common trumpet creeperтрубоцвет (Campsis radicans, Tecoma radicans)
common trumpet creeperкампсис укореняющийся (Campsis radicans, Tecoma radicans)
common trumpet creeperтекома укореняющаяся (Tecoma radicans)
pink trumpet flowerрозовое лапа́чо (Pink trumpet tree is native to Central and South America from Mexico to Argentina. In Southern California gardens it has proven to be well adapted inland climate zones with warm exposures, and where winter temperatures do not drop below 20-25°F. It is well suited for planting in courtyards and yard areas where it provides one of the most stunning flowering displays of any urban tree. inlandvalleygardenplanner.org Oleksandr Spirin)
pink trumpet flowerрозовое ипе́ (Pink trumpet tree is native to Central and South America from Mexico to Argentina. In Southern California gardens it has proven to be well adapted inland climate zones with warm exposures, and where winter temperatures do not drop below 20-25°F. It is well suited for planting in courtyards and yard areas where it provides one of the most stunning flowering displays of any urban tree. inlandvalleygardenplanner.org Oleksandr Spirin)
pink trumpet flowerмуравьиное дерево (Pink trumpet tree is native to Central and South America from Mexico to Argentina. In Southern California gardens it has proven to be well adapted inland climate zones with warm exposures, and where winter temperatures do not drop below 20-25°F. It is well suited for planting in courtyards and yard areas where it provides one of the most stunning flowering displays of any urban tree. inlandvalleygardenplanner.org Oleksandr Spirin)
pink trumpet treeрозовое ипе́ (Pink trumpet tree is native to Central and South America from Mexico to Argentina. In Southern California gardens it has proven to be well adapted inland climate zones with warm exposures, and where winter temperatures do not drop below 20-25°F. It is well suited for planting in courtyards and yard areas where it provides one of the most stunning flowering displays of any urban tree. inlandvalleygardenplanner.org Oleksandr Spirin)
pink trumpet treeрозовое лапа́чо (Pink trumpet tree is native to Central and South America from Mexico to Argentina. In Southern California gardens it has proven to be well adapted inland climate zones with warm exposures, and where winter temperatures do not drop below 20-25°F. It is well suited for planting in courtyards and yard areas where it provides one of the most stunning flowering displays of any urban tree. inlandvalleygardenplanner.org Oleksandr Spirin)
pink trumpet treeмуравьиное дерево (Pink trumpet tree is native to Central and South America from Mexico to Argentina. In Southern California gardens it has proven to be well adapted inland climate zones with warm exposures, and where winter temperatures do not drop below 20-25°F. It is well suited for planting in courtyards and yard areas where it provides one of the most stunning flowering displays of any urban tree. inlandvalleygardenplanner.org Oleksandr Spirin)
royal trumpet mushroomвешенка степная (королевская Voisko)
trumpet creeperкампсис
trumpet-creeper familyбигнониевый (Bignoniaceae)
Trumpet daffodilнарцисс трубчатый (Sorellina)
trumpet daffodilлженарцисс (Narcissus pseudo-narcissus)
trumpet daffodilнарцисс жёлтый
trumpet flowerгельземиум вечнозелёный (Alex Lilo)
trumpet flowerтрубоцвет
trumpet flowerжёлтый жасмин (Alex Lilo)
trumpet flowerжёлтый жасмин Каролина (юго-восток США Alex Lilo)
trumpet flowerбиниония
trumpet flowerгельземиум семпервиренс (Alex Lilo)
trumpet gourdтыква бутылочная (Cucurbita lagenaria)
trumpet honeysuckleжимолость вечнозелёная (Lonicera sempervirens)
trumpet treeцекропия (Cecropia)
trumpet treeцекропия
trumpet vineКампсис укореняющийся (название многолетней лианы семейства Бигнониевых || Campsis, commonly known as trumpet creeper or trumpet vine, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to woodlands in China and North America. It consists of two species, both of which are vigorous deciduous perennial climbers, clinging by aerial roots, and producing large trumpet-shaped flowers in the summer.: Ка́мпсис (лат. Campsis) — род одревесневающих листопадных лиан семейства Бигнониевые (Bignoniaceae). Крупное теплолюбивое растение, широко культивируется в качестве декоративного благодаря яркой окраске цветков и длительному периоду цветения wikipedia.org КГА)
trumpet woodцекропия (Cecropia (spp.))