
Terms for subject Microsoft containing treeing | all forms
canonical command treeканоническое дерево команд (A common, programmatic representation of any Entity Framework query composed of one or more expressions. Rori)
CheckBox Treeдерево флажков (Windows 8 Rori)
console treeдерево консоли
Decid. treeлистопадное дерево (Office System 2010 Rori)
decomposition treeдерево декомпозиции (A data visualization tool that helps users analyze complex information using a hierarchical scheme. Rori)
Decomposition Treeдерево декомпозиции (A data visualization tool that helps users analyze complex information using a hierarchical scheme)
Dump Treeдамп дерева (Internet Explorer 9 Rori)
end process treeзавершить дерево процессов (Windows 8 Rori)
execution treeдерево выполнения (The path of data in the data flow of a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services package from sources through transformations to destinations)
expression treeдерево выражения (A tree-form data representation of the structure of language-level code expressions. Rori)
fault tree analysis diagramдерево ошибок
folder treeдерево папок
Huffman treeдерево Хаффмана (A binary tree that minimizes the product of a leaf’s weight and its distance from the root, for all leaves. Rori)
project treeдерево проекта (Rori)
red/black treeкрасно-чёрное дерево (A binary search tree which uses a one-bit flag on each node to identify the node by color: either red or black. A set of constraints on node color helps form an approximately balanced binary tree)
red/black treeкрасно-черное дерево
Show the project tree?Отобразить дерево проектов? (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
the level of the Project tree on which the transaction should be summarized.Уровень дерева проектов, на котором необходимо суммировать проводки (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
the request to update the project tree was rejected.Запрос на обновление дерева проекта отклонён. (Visual Studio 2012)
Time Series Treeдерево временных рядов (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
tree view controlиерархическое представление структуры
tree viewerсредство просмотра деревьев (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Views treeдерево представлений
visual treeвизуальное дерево (In Windows Presentation Foundation, the element tree containing all visual elements (elements that derive from the type System.Windows.Media.Visual) used for a piece of the user interface. This tree is the accumulation of all visual elements created directly by the application (whether in code or in markup) and all visual elements created by the template expansion of elements such as controls and data objects)
Visual TreeВидимое дерево (microsoft.com bojana)
Work Item Treeдерево рабочих элементов (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)