
Terms for subject General containing travel business | all forms | in specified order only
business travelслужебная поездка (The IRS says business travel is travel away from your tax home that is "substantially longer than an ordinary day's work" and that requires you to sleep or rest while away from home. thebalance.com Alexander Demidov)
business travelвыезд в служебную командировку (Business travel refers to any type of geographical transportation that someone undergoes at the behest of his or her employer to perform the duties of a job. One simple way in which an employee may undergo such travel is for training, in which an employer may require that employees go to a central location to receive instruction. Business travel can also include ongoing and regular visitation to various locations in order to provide service or otherwise work with remote teams. This type of travel is always temporary, as the employee eventually returns home, as opposed to "relocation" that is typically permanent. The purpose of business travel can vary quite a bit, depending on the particular needs of an employer and the types of skills possessed by a traveler. Training, for example, is a common cause for this type of travel as employees may need to go to a central office or similar location to be trained. Developments in computers and training software have alleviated the need for such travel in many fields, though some companies may still require training in person. wisegeek.com Alexander Demidov)
business travelслужебная командировка (Johnny Bravo)
business travelкомандировка (bel)
business travelразъездной характер работы (Travel between places of work, or to a place of work to carry out duties there, but excluding private travel and ordinary commuting. Found on digita.com Alexander Demidov)
business travelорганизация делового туризма (Лаврентьева Евгения)
business travelпребывание в командировке (Business travel is travel done in the course of business or work, other than the daily commuting between home and workplace. WK Alexander Demidov)
business travel agencyагентство по организации деловых поездок (sankozh)
business travel expensesрасходы на командировки (Alexander Demidov)
Business Travel IndexБизнес-Трэвел Индекс (Лаврентьева Евгения)
business travel policyкомандировочная политика (Alexander Demidov)
business travel spendingрасходы на деловые поездки (Лаврентьева Евгения)
corporate business travelнаправление работников в служебные командировки (Alexander Demidov)
executive business travelслужебные командировки руководителей высшего звена (Alexander Demidov)
he set up a small travel businessон основал небольшое туристическое бюро
how often do you have to travel on business?как часто тебе приходится ездить в командировки?
set up a travel businessосновывать турбизнес
travel businessтуристический бизнес (Lavrin)
travel for businessездить в командировку (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessпоездка со служебными целями (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessпоездка с деловыми целями (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessпоездка по деловым обстоятельствам (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessбывать в деловых поездках (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessотправляться в деловую поездку (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessездить по работе (Ivan Pisarev)
travel for businessездить по делам (Ivan Pisarev)
travel on businessсовершать деловую поездку
travel on businessездить по делам