
Terms for subject Microsoft containing transport | all forms | exact matches only
Edge Transport server roleроль пограничного транспортного сервера (An Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 server role that provides anti-spam and antivirus protection and applies messaging security policies to messages in transport between organizations by using a series of agents that act on messages as they are processed by the message transport components. This server role is deployed in the perimeter network outside the Active Directory directory service forest. Computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed handle all Internet-facing mail flow and provide Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) relay and smart host services for the Exchange organization)
Hub Transport server roleроль транспортного сервера-концентратора
NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport ProtocolNWLink IPX / SPX / NetBIOS-совместимый транспортный протокол (The Microsoft implementation of the Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) protocol used on NetWare networks. NWLink allows connectivity between Windows-based computers and NetWare networks running IPX/SPX. NWLink also provides network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) functionality and the Routing Information Protocol (RIP))
pallet transportтранспортировка палеты (A system that moves items in bulk by using a pallet)
RPC transportRPC-транспорт (The underlying network services used by the remote procedure call (RPC) runtime for communications between network nodes)
transport adapterтранспортный адаптер (A software component that enables message exchange through a specific transport)
transport addressадрес транспортировки (The transport-specific identification for the location to which messages are sent or from which messages are received)
transport agreementсоглашение о транспорте (An agreement between the business profiles of two trading partners to use a specific transport protocol (AS2) while exchanging messages)
transport calendarкалендарь транспортировки (The days the carrier can pick up and transport goods)
transport daysвремя транспортировки в днях (The number of days required by the carrier to pick up and deliver goods)
transport eventсобытие транспорта (An occurrence of a particular message transport activity or phase through the SMTP and NNTP services)
transport layerтранспортный уровень (Layer four of the OSI model. The network layer that handles error recognition and recovery. When necessary, it repackages long messages into small packets for transmission and, at the receiving end, rebuilds packets into the original message. The receiving transport layer also sends receipt acknowledgments)
Transport Layer Securityпротокол TLS (A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network. TLS encrypts communications and enables clients to authenticate servers and, optionally, servers to authenticate clients. TLS is a more secure version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol)
Transport Layer Security encryptionшифрование TLS (A generic security protocol similar to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP))
transport protocolтранспортный протокол (A protocol that governs the transport channel used for sending messages back and forth between two partners. With respect to trading partner management (TPM), only the AS2 protocol is supported)
transport ruleправило транспорта
Transport Serverтранспортный сервер (Andy)
transport timeвремя транспортировки (The amount of time it takes to transfer items between two warehouses)
transport timeвремя транспортировки