
Terms for subject Figurative containing trains | all forms
gravy trainкормушка
his car is at the end of the trainего вагон в хвосте поезда
the train has already departedпоезд ушёл (This is better than getting themselves and others all worked up when they know very well that the train has already departed and that childish tantrums, tears and hysterics will not help things. theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
the train has left the stationэтот процесс уже не остановить (поговорка "поезд ушел" в данном случае является ложным другом переводчика: Environmentalists, meanwhile, argue that industry simply is in a state of denial in lobbying that EPA should not regulate under the Clean Air Act. "I don't think they're really through the grieving process yet," Sierra Club's Bookbinder said. "This train has left the station. They just don't understand that the regulations are coming." • The changes we need to make in Georgia to transform the state are going to take years. But with the changing demographics of the South, our victory is inevitable. This train has left the station. nytimes.com 4uzhoj)
the train has left the stationпроехали! (из словаря Павла Палажченко)
train one's tasteизощрять свой вкус
train wreckтридцать три несчастья (Alexey Lebedev)
train wreckходячая катастрофа (Alexey Lebedev)