
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing to take | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
begin to take shapeначать вырисовываться (to take on a distinctive form Val_Ships)
begin to take shapeначать обретать опр.форму (to take on a distinctive form: we ​watched the ​vase ​begin to take shape in the potter's ​hands Val_Ships)
it's hard to take it seriouslyтрудно воспринять это серьёзно (Val_Ships)
take heart toпроявлять чувства к (Certainly, the handbook forbids taking heart to other employees Taras)
take somebody to the back of the barnразобраться (andreon)
take somebody to the back of the barn"вывести за сарай" (andreon)
take to the woodsуклоняться от исполнения обязанностей (особ. от голосования)
take to the woodsуклоняться от своих обязанностей (особ. от голосования)
pertaining to cars transport as in a stolen vehicle, run stolen cars, move a car from place to place, take a stolen car down to some place, drive a car down to some placeперегнать