
Terms for subject Proverb containing to any place | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
one only brings to any place what is in himselfиз рогожи не сделаешь кожи (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfиз худого не сделаешь хорошее (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfчто положишь себе в котёл, то и будет в ложке (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfчем сосуд наполнен, то из него и льётся (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfкаков мех, такова и шуба (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfкаков усол, таков и вкус (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfкаков лён, такова и пряжа (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfкаково волокно, таково и полотно (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfчто в котёл положишь, то и вынешь (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfиз рогожи не сделаешь сыромятной кожи (igisheva)
one only brings to any place what is in himselfиз ежовой кожи шубы не сошьёшь (igisheva)