
Terms for subject General containing time- limit | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
before the time-limitв срок (by completing and sending a Form NC 20 before the time-limit of 15 days for doing so expires. LE Alexander Demidov)
breach of a time limitнарушение срока (Secondly, on the assumption that there had been a breach of the time limit, the Privy Council held that the deputy commissioner had not been deprived of his ... Alexander Demidov)
break the fixed time limitнарушить установленный регламент выступлений
burial with a time limitзахоронение с ограничением по времени (MichaelBurov)
burial with a time limitзахоронение на ограниченный период (MichaelBurov)
chess overstepping the time limitпросрочка времени
comply with the suggested time limitукладываться в предложенный срок
comply with the suggested time limitукладываться в предложенный регламент
delay beyond a time limitпросрочка срока (Alexander Demidov)
exceed the time limitпросрочиваться
exceed the time limitпросрочить (pf of просрочивать)
exceed the time limitпросрочивать (impf of просрочить)
exceed the time limitпросрочить
exceed the time limitпросрочивать
exceed time limitпросрочить (Anglophile)
exceed time limitпросрочивать (Anglophile)
expiration of time limitпросрочка
extend the time limit for submission of proposalsпродлить срок представления предложений
fix a time limit on speechesустановить регламент выступлений
fix a time-limitустановить регламент (Anglophile)
his speech ran over the time-limitон превысил регламент
his speech ran over the time-limitон не уложился в регламент
in excess of the established time limitсверх установленного срока (ABelonogov)
keep to the time limitпридерживаться регламента
keep within the time limitсоблюдать регламент
keep within the time limitпридерживаться регламента
limit the speakers' time to five minutesдать ораторам по пять минут на выступление
limit the speakers' time to five minutesустанавливать регламент для выступающих в пять минут
missed time limitпропущенный срок (Alexander Demidov)
observe the time limitсоблюдать регламент
observe the time limitпридерживаться регламента
observe the time-limitсоблюдать регламент (Anglophile)
payment time limitсрок осуществления выплат (Alexander Demidov)
payment time limitсрок оплаты (Alexander Demidov)
payment time limitсрок платежа (Alexander Demidov)
proposal relating to time limit on speechesпредложение, касающееся регламента выступлений
resetting of a missed time limitвосстановление пропущенного срока (Alexander Demidov)
resetting of a time limitвосстановление срока (As the district court correctly noted, "both parties use the word 'toll' to mean the resetting of a time limit," which is an imprecise use of the term. Alexander Demidov)
restoration of the missed time limitвосстановление пропущенного срока (ABelonogov)
running of a time limitтечение срока (The second point is that the word that the subsection uses to identify the moment which starts the running of the time limit is the word "employment". Alexander Demidov)
set a time limitустановить временные рамки (TranslationHelp)
set a time limitустановить ограничение по времени (TranslationHelp)
set a time limitустановить срок (Government refuses to set a time limit on criminal records checks ...The Prime Minister has set a time limit for when the referendum on independence is held ... Alexander Demidov)
set a time limit on speechesустанавливать регламент выступлений
set a time-limit for debatesустановить регламент для выступления в прениях
set a time-limit for examinationустановить продолжительность экзамена
target time limitрасчётный срок (for Alexander Demidov)
three-month time limitтрёхмесячный срок (ABelonogov)
threshold limit value/time-weighted averageпредельная концентрация при долговременном воздействии (Lesya1986)
time limitрегламент (на заседании)
time limitпредельный срок
time limitограничение во времени (Stas-Soleil)
time limitпредельно допустимый срок (Alexander Demidov)
time limitнормативный срок (a date or time by which something must be done or completed: within a time limit "If a deal is not reached within the time limit, the firms involved will set up an auction. a time limit for doing something "You should pay close attention to any relevant time limits for pursuing your statutory rights. a time limit for something "Current rules outline time limits for the tender offer. a 30-day/12-month/5-year etc. time limit "Section 11 of the Act provides a three-year time limit for personal injury claims. "a strict/specific/recommended time limit set/put/impose a time limit (on something) "At present, legislation does not impose any time limit on the Revenue in terms of the time it takes to process an application. "The National Business Conduct Committee may extend or shorten time limits prescribed by the Code for the filing of any papers. a time limit expires "Any documents submitted after the time limit expires will not be considered valid. CBED Alexander Demidov)
time limitпредельная продолжительность (Alexander Demidov)
time limit forсрок, в течение которого необходимо (Alexander Demidov)
time limit for paymentсрок выплаты (Alexander Demidov)
time limit for performanceсрок выполнения (ABelonogov)
time limit for presentationsрегламент (Lavrov)
time limit for responseпредельный срок для ответа (на решение ведомства)
time limit forfeitureутрата права на сохранение срока (Lavrov)
time limit has elapsedсрок пропущен (more UK hits: employers should be aware that it is possible for successful claims to be brought after the three month time limit has elapsed if the Claimant can ... you are required to declare any convictions or cautions, regardless of whether or not the time limit has elapsed. When both parties have set out their position in writing (or if the Respondent has failed to do so once the time limit has elapsed) the paperwork will be reviewed ... Alexander Demidov)
time limit has lapsedсрок пропущен (Where this time limit has lapsed, they are still entitled to make a claim to "error or mistake" relief under S33 TMA 1970 within 5 years of the filing date for the year ...The defendant uses a statute of limitations defense when the plaintiff has brought suit after the allotted time limit has lapsed. Alexander Demidov)
time limit on an investigationсрок следствия (However, there is no time limit on the investigation of grave or exceptional matters. As a result, the Police Ombudsman has investigated many complaints from ... Alexander Demidov)
time limit on speechesпродолжительность выступлений
time limit on speechesрегламент выступлений
time limit on speechesограничение выступлений по времени
time limit orderпоручение, ограниченное временем
time limit setустановленный срок (Alexander Demidov)
time limit shall be counted anew from the date ofотсчёт срока начинается заново с даты (witness)
time-limitпредельный срок
time-limitвремя, предоставляемое для совершения какого-либо действия
time-limitвремя, предоставляемое для совершения какого-либо операции
time-limitвремя, предоставляемое для совершения какого-либо действия или операции
time-limit procedureпроцедура с фиксированным временем выполнения
total time limitобщий срок (In the official ATI study guides, the number of scored questions and the total time limit for each test section are mentioned as follows: Reading – 42 scored ... The total time limit for constructing the initial solution determines the time limits for each layer of the search tree; for a given layer, we simply allocate the fraction ... The total time limit for the section is 15 minutes . I am not sure about the total time limit for completing graduation under R.D.V.V. In Limited Time Frame Mode, players must be informed beforehand of the total time limit for the game, and also of the time limit for each of their ... Alexander Demidov)
within a time limitв пределах отведённого времени (Alex_Odeychuk)
within a time limitв назначенный срок (Alex_Odeychuk)
within an agreed-upon time limitв пределах оговорённого срока (MichaelBurov)
within an agreed-upon time limitв течение оговорённого срока (MichaelBurov)
within the established time limitв установленный срок (ABelonogov)
within the established time limitв запланированный срок (Johnny Bravo)
within the established time limitв установленные сроки
within the prescribed time limitв установленный срок (ABelonogov)
within the specified time limitв указанный срок (VictorMashkovtsev)
within the time limitв срок (Elina Semykina)
within the time limitне позднее срока (Alexander Demidov)
without limit of timeбез ограничений по времени (Johnny Bravo)
without limit of timeбез ограничения времени (Johnny Bravo)
without limit of timeбез лимита времени (Johnny Bravo)
without limit of timeбезлимитно (Johnny Bravo)
without limit of timeбез истечения срока действия (Johnny Bravo)
without limit of timeбессрочно (Johnny Bravo)
without time limitбессрочный
without time limitс неограниченным сроком действия (Rami88)
without time limitфундированный