
Terms for subject Proverb containing time for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
it's time for honest folks to be abedпора и честь знать (used to mean: it is time decently to go. often said before starting to leave someone's home, a party)
there is a time for all thingsкаждому овощу своё время
there is a time for all thingsделу время, а потехе час (contrast: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. it's a poor heart that never rejoices)
there is a time for all thingsделу время, потехе час (contrast: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. it's a poor heart that never rejoices)
there is a time for all thingsвсякому овощу своё время
there is a time for everythingкаждому овощу своё время
there is a time for everythingвсякому овощу своё время
when the work is done, there's time for funкончил дело, гуляй смело
you'll soon be O.K – in time for your wedding dayдо свадьбы заживёт