
Terms for subject Proverb containing time for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
it's time for honest folks to be abedпора и честь знать (used to mean: it is time decently to go. often said before starting to leave someone's home, a party)
make provision for a rainy day but in good timeготовь сани летом, а телегу зимой (used as advice to mean: it is wise to do things beforehand, ahead of time)
there is a time for all thingsделу время, потехе час (contrast: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. it's a poor heart that never rejoices)
there is a time for all thingsкаждому овощу своё время
there is a time for all thingsделу время, а потехе час (contrast: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. it's a poor heart that never rejoices)
there is a time for all thingsвсякому овощу своё время
there is a time for everythingкаждому овощу своё время
there is a time for everythingвсякому овощу своё время
there's a time and place for everythingвсякому овощу своё время
there's neither reason nor rhyme in waiting up for lost timeждать да догонять – хуже всего
there's neither reason nor rhyme in waiting up for lost timeждать да догонять – нет хуже
time and tide wait for no manне откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня
time and tide wait for no manвремя никого не ждёт
time and tide wait for no manкуй железо, пока горячо
when the work is done, there's time for funкончил дело, гуляй смело
you'll soon be O.K – in time for your wedding dayдо свадьбы заживёт