
Terms for subject Disapproving containing this is | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
this is beyond comprehensionэто уму непостижимо (cannot be understood (Merriam-Webster): This action is beyond comprehension. ART Vancouver)
this is getting ridiculousэто слишком далеко зашло (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is getting ridiculousэто ни на что не похоже (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is getting ridiculousэто уже переходит все границы (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is not like youэто на вас не похоже (I sat up in bed, and pointed at him rather coldly with the teaspoon. ‘Jeeves,' I said, ‘I would be the last man to accuse you of dithering, but this is not like you. It is not the old form, Jeeves. You are losing your grip.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
this is really too much!этого ещё не хватало!