
Terms containing there you have it | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.and there you have itи дело в шляпе (Simply turn the handle three times and there you have it. • You just plug it in, push this button, and there you have it.)
gen.and there you have itи готово (Simply turn the handle three times and there you have it. • You just plug it in, push this button, and there you have it.)
gen.And there you have itВот так вот и получается (пример Андрея Фалалеева YGA)
gen.there you have itвот, пожалуйста (And there you have it – the resounding belief of 99of Americans. " And there you have it – a warmer winter is in store, with heavy snowfalls expected occasionally in the new year but with low overall precipitation. Alexander Demidov)
gen.there you have itвот-вот (= то-то и оно 4uzhoj)
gen.there you have itв том-то и дело (But how could the burglar have scaled a twenty-foot wall without a ladder? – There you have it. That's what has the police confused.  alexghost)
gen.and there you have itготово (Simply turn the handle three times and there you have it. • You just plug it in, push this button, and there you have it.)
gen.there you have itто-то и оно (But how could the burglar have scaled a twenty-foot wall without a ladder? – There you have it. That's what has the police confused. Alexander Demidov)
gen.there you have itвот так-то (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.there you have it all in a nutshellвот вкратце и всё ("There you have it all in a nutshell, Watson (...)." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
gen.Well, there you have itНу вот, пожалуйста (Well, there you have it. This isn't just a gang member shooting up another gang member as an isolated incident. Innocent people are in the crossfires yet again, and this time, we're fortunate that the injured person made it to the hospital to receive treatment. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
gen.you'll have to talk to him, there's no getting out of itничего не поделаешь, придётся тебе с ним поговорить