
Terms for subject Figurative containing there there | all forms
he burnt his fingers thereон на этом обжёгся
he is very much in demand thereего там прямо рвут на части
out thereна свете (in the world at large: There are a lot of crazy people out there. • All the land out there had been under water once. 4uzhoj)
out thereна публике (in the public eye: If you want to improve your public speaking, you should put yourself out there more. • It has taken her a long time to learn the plays, and she still looks uncomfortable out there. 4uzhoj)
out thereна виду (=на публике 4uzhoj)
out thereу всех на слуху (God, this had to be rough for Michel. Patrick knew the feeling. Your kid’s name out there, a talking point for the world. Abysslooker)
run there and backслетать туда и обратно
that's neither here nor thereот этого ни тепло, ни холодно
that's neither here nor thereэто неважно
there are many profound ideas in his bookв его книге много глубоких мыслей
there are other fish in the seaсвет не клином сошёлся
there are three in the familyв семье три души
there is no habeas from deathот смерти никуда не уйдёшь
there is no hurryнад нами не каплет
there is no hurryнад нами не каплет
there seems to be no limit toне видно границ
there's a mixed population hereздесь пёстрый состав населения
there's an air ofчувствуется атмосфера ("There's an air of quiet efficiency at Preston register office and a sense of understated caring." (The Guardian) ART Vancouver)
there's no getting out of itничего не попишешь, надо идти
there's no longer any necessityнеобходимость отпадает
there's nothing doingничего не наклёвывается
up thereнаверху