
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing the nod | all forms | in specified order only
on the nodв долг (A flashly attired individual lobbed into a well-known King Street bar the other day and espied a venerable old gentleman ordering some refreshment. With a view to securing a drink on the nod, the wearer of the gaudy raiment went up to him and said: "I fancy I've seen you before?" "Very probably," dryly explained the old 'un. "I am a pawnbroker!" • The sailor-men ... get their drinks and are not willing to pay. One day one of them carried the scheme so far as to get a drink on the nod and then to swallow the contents of the glass, into which he had poured a white powder that he carried with him. Feigning death, he was dragged out of the hotel by Joe, who was alarmed lest the police should appear and a dead drunk be found on the premises.)