
Terms for subject Religion containing the great | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
church of St. Barbara the Great Martyrхрам Варвары Великомученицы (dariamos)
Great Mother of the GodsВеликая матерь богов (Ancient Oriental and Greco-Roman deity)
Great Mother of the GodsКибела
Gregory the GreatГригорий Великий (540-604; an architect of the medieval papacy, reigned 590-604, a notable theologian who was also an administrative, social, liturgical, and moral reformer; feast day March 12 wikipedia.org)
Gregory the GreatГригорий I
Herod I the GreatИрод Великий (Roman-appointed king of Judaea, 37-4 ВС)
Isaac the GreatИсаак Великий (Celebrated catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church, principal advocate of Armenian cultural and ecclesiastical independence)
Leo the GreatЛев I Великий
Liturgy of Saint Gregory the GreatЛитургия святителя Григория Великого (литургия Григория Двоеслова)
Nicholas the GreatПапа Римский Николай I Великий
season of the great fastвеликопостный период
St. Basil the GreatСв. Василий Великий
the great accountсудный день
the Holy Great Prince Vladimir, Equal of the Apostlesсвятой равноапостольный князь Владимир
win the great and life-giving Grace of Godстяжать великую и животворящую Благодать Божию (Andrey Truhachev)