
Terms for subject Mathematics containing the days | all forms | in specified order only
be completely adequate for the day-to-day needsполностью удовлетворять каждодневным потребностям
be completely adequate for the day-to-day needsполностью удовлетворять каждодневным нуждам
for the whole dayна целый день (because of emergency conditions, the embassy was closed for the whole day)
if the earth neither rotated nor revolved, one side would always have dayесли бы ... ни ... ни (night)
the author uses the ideas and theoretical apparatus that were developed by W.A. Day 2которые были развиты Дэем 2
the entire job was accomplished in 3 daysработа завершилась за 3 дня
the entire job was accomplished in 3 daysвся работа завершилась за 3 дня
the sun provides us with light during the dayв течение
these proteins were found to be expressed not later than on the 12th day of embryogenesisне позднее
to the present dayдо настоящей стадии прогресса в математике
two scales in common use to-day are the Fahrenheit andобщеупотребительный