
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing the crowd | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
crowd the mournersнажимать неподобающим образом
crowd the mournersторопить неподобающим образом
crowd the mournersнажимать
join the crowdи я (Cassidy's knees buckled, and as he sank to the sand, he said, "I think I'm going to be sick." He put his head down and retched. The stink of vomit reached Brody almost instantly, and he knew he had lost his struggle. "Join the crowd," he said, and he vomited too. VLZ_58)
join the crowdза компанию (VLZ_58)
join the crowdвы не один такой (Oh, you are unemployed now? So am I – join the crowd. VLZ_58)
rile up the crowdзаводить толпу (Alex_Odeychuk)
the crowdконтингент (used in certain expression Maggie)
the crowd surged inтолпа хлынула внутрь (Taras)
the in-crowdузкий круг (I was never one of the in-crowd at school. Val_Ships)