
Terms for subject Informal containing the books | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
by the bookдотошный (Management was by the book for everything. joyand)
by-the-bookдотошный (joyand)
call every name in the bookчихвостить (VLZ_58)
give every excuse in the bookпривести массу отговорок (Вариант перевода.: He had been giving every excuse in the book [not to go to treatment] and he had finally lost his job because of his addiction Alexander Oshis)
give every excuse in the bookпривести кучу отговорок (Вариант перевода.: He had been giving every excuse in the book [not to go to treatment] and he had finally lost his job because of his addiction Alexander Oshis)
give every excuse in the bookпривести тысячу отговорок (Вариант перевода.: He had been giving every excuse in the book [not to go to treatment] and he had finally lost his job because of his addiction Alexander Oshis)
hit the books eagerlyрьяно учиться (Andrey Truhachev)
hit the books eagerlyрьяно грызть гранит науки (Andrey Truhachev)
in the bookсуществующий
in the bookимеющийся в наличии
in the booksсуществующий
in the booksимеющийся в наличии
off the booksвчерную (bix)
off the booksв частном порядке (т. е. неофициально 4uzhoj)
off the booksмимо кассы (Technical)
off the booksв конверте (о зарплате)
off the booksпо-чёрному (характеристика неофициальной деятельности, не отражаемой в документах A.Rezvov)
off the booksне проводя по бумагам (=неофициально 4uzhoj)
off the booksнеофициально (буквально: не проводя по бухгалтерским книгам Viacheslav Volkov)
off the booksнеофициально (Can you run the papers off the books for me? • Can you run these plates for me, off the books? 4uzhoj)
off-the-bookчёрная бухгалтерия (Katrin111)
off-the-booksподпольный (SirReal)
put a book in the wrong placeзаставлять книгу
stuff all the bookcases with booksзабивать все шкафы книгами
the books were lying around on the floor for a whole weekкниги валялись на полу целую неделю
throw the bookподвергнуть суровой критике (Taras)
throw the bookстрого наказывать (throw the book at – to punish or reprimand severely; "I just knew the professor would throw the book at me for being late with my paper"; This expression originally meant “sentence a convicted person to the maximum penalties allowed,” the book being the roster of applicable laws. Its figurative use dates from the mid-1900s Taras)
throw the bookстрого наказать (Taras)
throw the bookнаказывать (Taras)
throw the bookобвинять во всех смертных грехах (кого-либо Taras)
throw the bookотчитать (Taras)
throw the bookсделать строгий выговор (Taras)
true to the bookблизко к тексту (The film is true to the book. 4uzhoj)