
Terms for subject Bible containing the books | all forms | in specified order only
Book of the All-Virtuous Wisdom of Yeshua ben SiraКнига Премудрости Иисуса, сына Сирахова (Andrey Truhachev)
Book of the KingsКнига Царств
Books of the ChroniclesПаралипоме́нон (Two Old Testament books that were originally part of a larger work that included the books of Ezra and Nehemiah)
the First Book of the ChroniclesПервая книга Паралипоме́нон (denghu)
the First Book of the KingsТретья книга Царств (denghu)
the Second Book of the ChroniclesВторая книга Паралипоме́нон (denghu)
the Second Book of the KingsЧетвёртая книга Царств (denghu)
the Book of WisdomКнига премудрости Соломона
the sapiential booksкниги премудрости