
Terms containing that is not the case | all forms | in specified order only
gen.and that's not the case for everybodyи не у всех есть такое (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.and that's not the case for everybodyи не у всех это есть (Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov.as long ago as 1911 Schlenk showed that this is not the caseуже в 1911 году Шленк показал, что дело обстоит не так
gen.but that was not the caseничуть не бывало
gen.I'm not sure if that's the caseне уверен, так ли обстоит дело (ART Vancouver)
mech.it is easily seen from 2, that this will not be the case unless a=0из 2 легко видеть, что это не так, если только не выполнено условие a=0
gen.it is not necessarily the case thatне факт, что ('More)
rhetor.that is not quite the caseэто не совсем так (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.that is not the caseдело не в этом
gen.that is not the caseэто не так
gen.that is not the caseничего подобного
gen.that is not the caseдело не в том
rhetor.that is simply not the caseэто вовсе не так (Alex_Odeychuk)
rhetor.that may not always be the caseэто не будет продолжаться вечно (CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
rhetor.that may not always be the caseэто не может продолжаться вечно (CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.that's absolutely not the caseэто совершенно не так (Vladimir Shevchuk)
gen.that's not always the caseэто не всегда так (Супру)
cliche.that's not really the caseвсё совсем не так (It can feel like this must be true, as every new building project works its way through an agonizing steeplechase to get approved—as if every metre of height and every protruding corner will be the last straw for this so-so-so crowded city. However, as anyone who has lived here longer than a month knows, that’s not really the case. There are squares, rectangles, slices, whole blocks of mystifyingly empty land throughout our supposedly high-priced, packed-to-the-gills metropolis. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
gen.that's not the caseэто не так ("Is that still the case?" "No, that's not the case." ART Vancouver)
gen.that's very much not the caseвсе совсем не так (And there you sat, happy in the assumption that racing at an old French circuit is as simple as strapping a powerful engine into a carbon fibre tub, inserting a racing driver and crossing your fingers? Well, Nissan's LMP1 team can tell you that actually no, that's very much not the case. 4uzhoj)
progr.this is not the case for application-level state machines that are called when the application goes from one discrete mode of operation or user interface display into anotherОднако для конечных автоматов, работающих на уровне приложения, которые вызываются при переходе приложения из одного режима выполнения операций или отображения пользовательского интерфейса в другой, такие ситуации не характерны (см. "Writing Mobile Code Essential Software Engineering for Building Mobile Applications" by Ivo Salmre 2005 ssn)
gen.unfortunately, that's not the caseк сожалению, это не так (Vladimir Shevchuk)
gen.we do not consider that a case has been made out for reducing the tax on these goodsмы считали, что не было приведено убедительных доводов в пользу необходимости сокращения налога на эти товары