
Terms for subject Proverb containing that's bad | all forms
it's a bad workman that has a bad sawплохому танцору и ноги мешают (Yeldar Azanbayev)
that which is good for the back, is bad for the head.Аптека не прибавит века. Одно лечит, а другое калечит (VLZ_58)
that which is good for the back, is bad for the headодно лечит, другое калечит (VLZ_58)
the life of a grass widow is worse than that of a widowжена без мужа – вдовы хуже
there is no ill in life that is no worse without breadпуть к сердцу мужчины лежит через желудок
there is no ill in life that is no worse without breadголодное брюхо ко всему глухо
there is no ill in life that is no worse without breadне до пляски, не до шутки, когда пусто в желудке