
Terms for subject Proverb containing that's a no-no | all forms
for one that is missing there's no spoiling a weddingсемеро одного не ждут (it is no good when many people have to wait for one person, many must not wait for one)
it's a long lane that has no turningбудет и на твоей улице праздник
it's a long lane that has no turningперемелется, мука будет
it's a long lane that has no turningне всё ненастье, проглянет и красное солнышко
it's a long lane that has no turningперемелется – мука будет
it's a long lane that has no turningвсё перемелется, мука будет
it's a long lane that has no turningбудет и на моей улице праздник
it's a long lane that has no turningбудет и на нашей улице праздник
it's a long run that has no turningбудет и на твоей улице праздник
it's a long run that has no turningбудет и на моей улице праздник
it's a long run that has no turningбудет и на нашей улице праздник