
Terms for subject General containing tax base | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
base tax rateбазовая налоговая ставка (For tax year 2014 (FY15), the base tax rate for nonresidential property is $1.515. Alexander Demidov)
determination of the tax baseопределение налоговой базы (123:)
Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit ShiftingМногосторонняя конвенция по реализации в рамках договоров соглашений о недопущении двойного налогообложения мер противодействия размыванию налоговой базы и выведению доходов из-под налогообложения (zhvir)
profit tax baseналогооблагаемая база по налогу на прибыль (Alexander Demidov)
property tax baseналоговая база по налогу на имущество (DEFINITION OF "TAX BASE' The assessed value of a set of assets, investments or income streams that is subject to taxation, or the assessed value of a single asset that is subject to taxation. Anything that can be taxed has a tax base. INVESTOPEDIA EXPLAINS 'TAX BASE" The tax base may refer to that of an individual asset, such as the tax base of a house, or a pool of assets, such as the tax base of all houses in a city. For example, the property tax base of a house is its value. The property tax base of a city is the collective value of all taxable real estate in the city. Alexander Demidov)
property tax baseналогооблагаемая база по налогу на имущество (Alexander Demidov)
tax base for tax on the profitналоговая база по налогу на прибыль (ABelonogov)
tax base for the personal income taxналоговая база по налогу на доходы физических лиц (Stas-Soleil)
tax base of nilнулевая база налогообложения (IAS 12 tvkondor)
understatement of the tax baseзанижение налоговой базы (Alexander Demidov)
value-added tax baseналоговая база по налогу на добавленную стоимость (asked the Chancellor of Exchequer whether he has any plans to increase value added tax base in the United Kingdom. | ... for an alignment of the tax treatment of different sorts of income, a widening of the value-added tax base and the elimination of "the damaging ... Alexander Demidov)