
Terms for subject Law containing take proceedings | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
take criminal proceedingвозбудить уголовное преследование
take criminal proceedingsвозбудить уголовное преследование
take proceedingsначинать судебное дело (The case of Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co (see [2003] Gazette, 25 April, 6) confirmed that a businessman allegedly defamed in an article published by the Wall Street Journal online was allowed to take proceedings in Australia against the Web site’s US-based publisher, Dow Jones, because several of the Web site’s subscribers lived there. LE Alexander Demidov)
take proceedingsсовершать процессуальные действия
take proceedings againstподать в суд на (4uzhoj)
take third-party proceedingsпривлекать третьих лиц к участию в процессе