
Terms containing take custody of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bank.take custody ofпринимать на хранение (Ремедиос_П)
welf.take custody ofвзять под свою опеку (также о детях после задержания родителей: The BC SPCA has taken custody of 45 dogs it says were very neglected and in extremely poor condition at a home just outside Victoria. Their matting was covered in feces and urine and they were living in unacceptable conditions. ART Vancouver)
gen.take custody of the babyвзять опеку над ребёнком (ART Vancouver)
gen.take custody of the babyоформить опеку над ребёнком (The Tilbury, Ont., woman has been barred from the casino and the Children's Aid Society has taken custody of the baby. ART Vancouver)