
Terms for subject Microsoft containing tab group | all forms | in specified order only
horizontally oriented group of tabsгоризонтально ориентированная группа вкладок (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Response Group tabвкладка "Группа ответа" (A custom tab, on an agent's Office Communicator client, that is used by the agent to sign in to his or her Response Group Service group. The agent must be signed in to the group in order to answer calls routed to the group)
tabbed groupгруппа с вкладками (In a multiple document interface (MDI) application, a set of child windows that have tab borders and are docked together in the client area of the application. To undock a child window from the group, drag it by its tab)
vertically oriented group of tabsвертикально ориентированная группа вкладок (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)