
Terms for subject Ice hockey containing statistical | all forms
move the statistic in a better directionулучшить статистику (maystay)
plus−minus statisticпоказатель полезности (This statistic is sometimes called the plus−minus rating.: Plus−minus (+/−, ±, plus/minus) is a sports statistic used to measure a player's impact on the game, represented by the difference between their team's total scoring versus their opponent's when the player is in the game. In ice hockey, it measures a player's goal differential. When an even-strength goal or shorthanded goal is scored, the plus–minus statistic is increased by one ("plus") for those players on the ice for the team scoring the goal; the plus–minus statistic is decreased by one ("minus") for those players on the ice for the team allowing the goal.[1] Power play or penalty shot goals are excluded. An empty net does not matter for the calculation of plus–minus. wikipedia.org Oleksandr Spirin)