
Terms containing social safety-net | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
polit.expansion of the social safety netрасширение социальной защиты (New York Times; the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.social safety netсоциальная поддержка (Alexander Demidov)
lawsocial safety netсоциальный (связанный с социальным обеспечением Alex_Odeychuk)
lawsocial safety netсоциальное обеспечение (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
econ.social safety netсоциальная защита человека
EBRDsocial safety netсоциальная защита
gen.social safety netпредоставление государственной социальной помощи (Social safety nets, or "socioeconomic safety nets", are non-contributory transfer programs seeking to prevent the poor or those vulnerable to shocks and poverty from falling below a certain poverty level. Safety net programs can be provided by the public sector (the state and aid donors) or by the private sector (NGOs, private firms, charities, and informal household transfers). WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.social safety netсоциальная защита (for the public, etc. Lavrov)
lawsocial safety netмеры социальной поддержки (Alexander Demidov)
EBRDsocial safety netсистема социальной защиты
EBRDsocial safety netсоциальные гарантии (social safety net A system of available payments in cash or in kind which will keep people's incomes from falling below some socially accepted minimum level. This needs to cover old age, sickness and disability, and unemployment. It may include benefits in kind for people with special requirements: for example, health care, and publicly provided housing for those without the means or competence to house themselves privately. Oxford Economics Alexander Demidov)
IMF.social safety netсистем финансовой защиты
econ.social safety netсистема социальной защиты населения
gen.social safety netгосударственная социальная поддержка (Social welfare services provided by a community of individuals at the state and local levels. These services are geared toward eliminating poverty in a specific area. These services may include housing re-assignment, job placement, subsidies for household bills, and other cash equivalents for food. Social safety net works in conjunction with a number of other poverty reduction programs with the primary goal of reducing/preventing poverty. • You should try and create a social safety net that may protect you if things ever start to go bad. • Monica knew the system wasn't perfect but she firmly believed that, unlike other countries, the social safety net in America would prevent anyone who reached out from falling through the cracks entirely. • The social safety net allowed us to live better knowing that we would not be absolutely poor and not have food. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
econ.social safety net for the individualсоциальная защита человека
gen.social safety net mechanismмера социальной поддержки граждан, имеющих право на получение государственной помощи (Alexander Demidov)
gen.social safety net mechanismsмеры социальной поддержки граждан (Alexander Demidov)
gen.social safety net optionмера социальной поддержки граждан, имеющих право на получение государственной помощи (Alexander Demidov)
lawsocial safety net programsсоциальные программы (программы, связанные с социальным обеспечением; New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
polit.social safety-net programпрограмма социальной защиты (Lyashenko I.)
EBRDtargeted social safety netцелевая сеть социальной защиты
EBRDtargeted social safety netадресная система социальной защиты
Makarov.the social security safety netгарантии социального обеспечения