
Terms for subject General containing social media | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be a hot topic of discussion on social mediaбыть предметом оживлённого обсуждения в соцсетях
be a hot topic of discussion on social mediaвзорвать интернет (конт.)
find out over social mediaузнать из соцсетей (How horrific finding out over social media ArcticFox)
goof on social mediaсидеть/зависнуть в соцсетях (неодобр.)
social mediaсоцмедиа (forms of media that allow people to communicate and share information using the internet or mobile phones: "Blogs, podcasts and other forms of social media are creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs to reach the public. "a social media site/tool/strategy. CBED. websites and software programs used for social networking: Companies need to invest in social media to make it work for them. social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter Social media are changing the way people communicate, work, and shop. OALD. Interactive forms of media that allow users to interact with and publish to each other, generally by means of the Internet. The early 21st century saw a huge increase in social media thanks to the widespread availability of the Internet. WT. Social media can take the singular or plural form of the verb. CCALD. social media is full of photos of peaceful demonstrators being dragged off by police, or even beaten. BBC Alexander Demidov)
social mediaсоциальные сети (It was the 2nd day of protests organised using social media against what they believed was a fixed election. ... Mr Medvedev prides himself on using social media. BBC Alexander Demidov)
Social Media Assetматериал для публикаций (в социальных сетях bigmaxus)
Social Media BoothИнформационный стенд (Decard)
social media communicationsкоммуникации через социальные сети (Alexander Demidov)
social media discussionобсуждения в социальных сетях (Technical)
social media listeningмониторинг социальных сетей (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
social media marketingрекламное продвижение в социальных сетях (ВосьМой)
social media marketingреклама в социальных сетях (ВосьМой)
Social Media Platformsсоциальные медийные платформы (Lavrov)
social media postingпубликации в социальных сетях (Wakeful dormouse)
social mediumмедиасреда (Alexander Demidov)
social mediumсоциум (bookworm)
take to social media to shareподелиться в соцсетях (своими мыслями или пережитым: After one homeowner shared her chilling experience, several other residents of Kirby took to social media to share similar tales all featuring a mysterious woman repeatedly knocking on the front door or crying into the home's mail slot at around three or four a.m. and asking to be let inside. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)