
Terms containing so much as | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Makarov.a system of ethics so much against the grain as that of the Gospelнастолько противоестественные этические нормы, как те, что зафиксированы в евангелиях
gen.he didn't so much as ask me to sit downон даже не предложил мне сесть
gen.he doesn't so much as say hello to meон даже сподобился поприветствовать меня
gen.he is not so much angry as upsetон скорее огорчен, чем рассержен
gen.he is not so much angry as upsetон скорее огорчён, чем рассержен
Makarov.he is not so much stupid as lazyон не столько глуп, сколько ленив
gen.he is not so much tired, as hungryон не столько устал, сколько голоден
gen.he left without so much as saying goodbyон ушёл, даже не простившись
gen.he never so much as smiledон даже ни разу не улыбнулся
gen.he never so much as thanked meон даже не поблагодарил меня
gen.he tanked right over her without so much as noticing herон прошёл мимо, даже не заметив её (A. Thirkell)
Makarov.I didn't realise the town had grown so much, I remember it as being just a small placeне думал, что город так разрастётся, я помню, что он был небольшим местечком
Makarov.I regard it as so much lost timeя считаю это просто потерянным временем
gen.if one so much as saidдостаточно сказать (He would run a mile if I so much as said "Boo!" to him. – Да мне достаточно сказать "кыш", и его как ветром сдует. ART Vancouver)
Makarov.I'll nip the dress in at the waist for you, as you've lost so much weightя ушью тебе это платье в талии, ты так сильно похудела
gen.in so much asтак как
gen.in so much asпостольку
gen.is not so much asне столько, сколько (Bob_cat)
gen.it was not so much their loyalty as their perspicacity that was on displayони показали не столько свою верность, сколько умение ориентироваться в обстановке
Makarov.Madison Avenue is not so much a street as a way of livingМедисон-авеню – это не улица, а образ жизни
gen.never so much asдаже не
gen.no dress youthens a girl so much as whiteни одно платье так не молодит девушку, как белое
Makarov.no other colour can youthen a person so much as whiteни один цвет так не молодит человека, как белый
proverbno people do so much harm as those who go about doing goodникто не приносит большего вреда, чем те, кто стремится делать добро
gen.not admit so much as a thought thatне допускать даже мысли о (Alexander Demidov)
gen.not only and not so much asне только и не столько, сколько (won attention in a Pravda report that claimed that "needed people can be retained not only and not so much by 'super-high' pay as by well-appointed housing ... Alexander Demidov)
math.not so much asчем
math.not so much asменьше
gen.not so much asдаже не
gen.not so much ... asне так ... как
gen.not so much ... asне столько ... сколько (The light from the shelves didn't so much illuminate as highlight the darkness. • The novel was not so much unfinished as unfinishable. • It wasn't so much his appearance I liked as his personality. Alexander Demidov)
fig.of.sp.not so much as a dimeни шиша (Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.not so much as hintдаже не заикнуться (at something – о чём-либо Anglophile)
gen.not so much by as byне столько из-за как из-за (pivoine)
gen.not that he said so much as a taон даже спасибо не сказал
gen.nothing counts so much as bloodсамые крепкие узы-кровные (dreamjam)
gen.nothing gets me down so much as a common coldничто меня так не выбивает из колеи, как обыкновенная простуда
gen.oceans do not so much divide the world as unite itокеаны не столько разъединяют мир, сколько объединяют его
Makarov.she is not so much stupid, as just shyона не то чтобы глупа, а застенчива
Makarov.she is not so much stupid, as just shyона не то что глупа, а застенчива
gen.so much asдаже
gen.so much asни (We didn't hear so much as a word from her the whole time. [=we didn't hear a word from her])
Gruzovik, literal.so much asнастолько, насколько
gen.so much asдаже (с отрицанием: Not only did they not help, they didn't so much as [=even] offer to help! • They ended their date without so much as a hug. • He wouldn't so much as look at me. Alexander Demidov)
gen.so much rubbish I regard it as so much lost timeя считаю это просто потерянным временем
Makarov.the general only regards his men as masses, so much aggregate of forceгенерал считает своих солдат всего лишь массой людей, скоплением сил
Makarov.the general only regards his men as masses, so much aggregate of forceгенерал относится к своим солдатам лишь как к массе людей, сосредоточию силы
gen.they walked in and sat down without so much as a by-your-leaveони вошли и расселись, даже не извинившись
lawwithout so much asдаже без (without so much as a word. [COED] Alexander Demidov)
gen.without so much asне соизволив даже (Can you believe the nerve of that girl? Staying out until 1 a.m. without so much as a phone call. VLZ_58)
gen.without so much as a by-your-leaveне спросясь (Anglophile)
gen.without so much as a by-your-leaveбез спросу (Anglophile)
gen.without so much as a by-your-leaveбез спроса (Anglophile)
amer.without so much as a goodbyeдаже не попрощавшись (messen)
gen.without so much as a thank youне поблагодарив (The fly eventually hatches out of the host as a mature adult and flies off to continue its lifecycle without so much as a thank you Гевар)
gen.without so much as flinching an eyeглазом не моргнув (Listen to disturbing information without so much as flinching an eye (Dan Brown, Deception Point) Islet)