
Terms for subject General containing sinker | all forms
buy smt. hook, line, and sinkerбездумно поверить (чему-либо Evgeny Shamlidi)
buy smt. hook, line, and sinkerзаглотнуть наживку (Evgeny Shamlidi)
die-sinkerинструментальщик по штампам
die-sinkerрезчик чеканов
die sinkerкопировальный станок
fall hook, line and sinker for somethingпринять за чистую монету (что-либо denghu)
fishing sinkerгрузило
he swallowed the tale hook, line and sinkerон попался на удочку
hook, line, and sinkerпопасться (поверить в обман: he fell hook, line, and sinker for this year's April Fool joke vogeler)
hook, line, and sinkerсхавать целиком (поверить в обман: he fell hook, line, and sinker for this year's April Fool joke vogeler)
hook, line and sinkerсо всеми потрохами (Anglophile)
hook, line and sinkerво всех деталях
hook, line and sinkerокончательно (Mosley Leigh)
hook, line, and sinkerпопасться на развод (поверить в обман: he fell hook, line, and sinker for this year's April Fool joke vogeler)
hook, line, and sinkerсъесть целиком (поверить в обман: he fell hook, line, and sinker for this year's April Fool joke vogeler)
swallow hook, line and sinkerПроглотить наживку целиком (Перен. идиома: ‘What is a good deal more disturbing is that U.S. and international media outlets consistently swallowed the opposition's unlikely claims of certain victory hook, line, and sinker.' lexico.com Evgeny Shamlidi)
swallow hook, line and sinkerполностью поверить в какую-либо ложь (Перен. идиома: ‘What is a good deal more disturbing is that U.S. and international media outlets consistently swallowed the opposition's unlikely claims of certain victory hook, line, and sinker.' lexico.com Evgeny Shamlidi)
swallow hook, line and sinkerпопасться на удочку (Перен. идиома: ‘What is a good deal more disturbing is that U.S. and international media outlets consistently swallowed the opposition's unlikely claims of certain victory hook, line, and sinker.' lexico.com Evgeny Shamlidi)
swallow hook, line and sinkerподдаться на уловку (Hook, line and sinker are all fishing equipment. The object of the angler is to persuade the fish to swallow the bait or artificial lure which contains the hook. Similarly, a person may be persuaded to believe (or swallow) an artificial story. // Тж. swallow a gudgeon (A gudgeon is a small fish used for bait.) 4uzhoj)
swallow/accept hook, line and sinkerЗаглотать наживку целиком (попасться на удочку; поверить в явную ложь.: They want us to accept hook, line and sinker THEIR narrative of world events – a narrative which told us that Iraq possessed WMDs which could be deployed within 45 minutes and which posed a threat to the entire world. rt.com Evgeny Shamlidi)
well sinkerбурильщик