
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing sight | all forms | exact matches only
a sight for the godsзрелище, достойное богов (Andrey Truhachev)
a sight for the godsзрелище для богов (Andrey Truhachev)
a sight for the godsзрелище для богов (Andrey Truhachev)
be a sight to beholdпредставлять собой потрясающее зрелище (sankozh)
be a sight to beholdпредставлять грандиозное зрелище (sankozh)
be a sight to beholdзасматриваться (на что-либо; The historic Cathedral is a sight to behold sankozh)
can't stand the sight ofна дух не переносит ("She's right off me. Once her ideal, I am now less than the dust beneath her chariot wheels. She became infatuated with this chap, whoever he was, at Cannes, and now she can't stand the sight of me." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
lose sight of the big pictureпотерять из поля зрения общую картину (Andrey Truhachev)
sight for sore eyesрад видеть (My husband, Jon, was such a sight for my sore eyes and Jacky's voice was music to my ears. • She was such a sight for my sore eyes, that a few tears ran down my face as I hugged her tightly. I was so glad that she was safe and all right.)
sight for sore eyesбальзам для усталых глаз (kozelski)
sight for sore eyesглаза радуются (kozelski)