
Terms for subject Ship handling containing ship-to | all forms | in specified order only
ship-to-ship transferперегрузка методом "борт-в-борт" (These terminals will provide export logistics services, including to the Arctic LNG 2 project under construction, and will each initially include a 360,000 m3 floating storage unit (FSU) and two ship-to-ship transfer kits (STS). They will allow for the transshipment of LNG from Arc7 ice class LNG carriers, which provide transport on the iced waters of the Arctic Ocean, to conventional LNG carriers, which take care of the remaining delivery. Далее СПГ будет перегружаться в плавучие хранилища газа для кратковременного хранения или методом "борт в борт" на конвенциональные суда. tass.ru Себастьян Перейра, торговец черным деревом)