
Terms for subject General containing share in the profits | all forms | in specified order only
bar any one from his share in the profitsлишить его доли в прибыли
he must be stimulated to greater effort by an offer to share in the firm's profitего нужно побуждать трудиться усерднее, предложив ему долю от доходов фирмы
share in the profitдоля прибыли
share in the profitучастие в прибыли
share in the profitsучаствовать в распределении прибыли (The contract between two partners in marriage is in some respects like that between partners in business: each enjoys the right to share in the profits in return for ... Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business. A concise description of the rights attaching to the shares, and in particular the extent of the voting rights, entitlement to share in the profits and to share in any ... Alexander Demidov)