
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing set the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
set the ball rollingначать действовать (de-er)
set the ball rollingинициировать (что-либо Val_Ships)
set the barзадать ограничение (figure of speech Val_Ships)
set the record straightправдиво изложить факты (Despite the administration's attempts to set the record straight, the scandal refuses to die down. Val_Ships)
set the record straightисправить ошибку (или недопонимание (She's ​decided to write her ​memoirs to set the record ​straight ​once and for all. Val_Ships)
set the tableнакрыть стол (Val_Ships)
set the wheels in motionзапустить процесс (для достижения опр.цели; I thought a phone call to the right person might set the wheels in motion. Val_Ships)