
Terms for subject General containing service level | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
service levelкачество обслуживания ("They tried that in Great Britain, and look what happened there," he said in reference to the controversial privatization of British Rail in the early 1990s, which many blame for a decline in service levels. TMT Alexander Demidov)
service levelуровень качества оказываемых услуг (Alexander Demidov)
service levelустановленная вероятность доступности наличия запасной части исправной на складе (geseb)
service levelуровень предоставления услуг (sankozh)
service levelуровень обслуживания (Service level measures the performance of a system. Certain goals are defined and the service level gives the percentage to which they should be achieved. Fill rate is different from service level. Examples of service level: Percentage of calls answered in a call center. Percentage of customers waiting less than a given fixed time. Percentage of customers that do not experience a stockout. WAD Alexander Demidov)
service levelуровень оказания услуг (sankozh)
service levelуровень качества предоставляемых услуг (Service level measures the performance of a system. Certain goals are defined and the service level gives the percentage to which those goals should be achieved. Fill rate is different from service level. Examples of service level: Percentage of calls answered in a call center. Percentage of customers waiting less than a given fixed time. Percentage of customers that do not experience a stockout. WK Alexander Demidov)
service levelуровень услуг (информационные технологии Lelkin)
service level agreementсоглашение об уровнях обслуживания (heffalump)
service level agreementсоглашение об уровне услуг (письменное соглашение между поставщиком услуг и заказчиком, в котором указаны услуги и согласованные уровни этих услуг. См. ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 20000-1-2010 Alex Lilo)
service level agreementsсоглашений об уровне обслуживания (ROGER YOUNG)
service level developmentразработка уровней обслуживания (ssn)
service-level agreementсоглашение об уровне обслуживания (A service-level agreement (SLA) is defined as an official commitment that prevails between a service provider and a client. Particular aspects of the service – quality, availability, responsibilities – are agreed between the service provider and the service user. The most common component of SLA is that the services should be provided to the customer as agreed upon in the contract. As an example, Internet service providers and telcos will commonly include service level agreements within the terms of their contracts with customers to define the level(s) of service being sold in plain language terms. In this case the SLA will typically have a technical definition in mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair or mean time to recovery (MTTR); identifying which party is responsible for reporting faults or paying fees; responsibility for various data rates; throughput; jitter; or similar measurable details. WK Alexander Demidov)