
Terms for subject General containing service communication | all forms
communication and data transfer servicesуслуги связи и телекоммуникационные услуги (Alexander Demidov)
communication serviceслужба связи
communication serviceсвязь
communication servicesуслуги связи (AD)
communication servicesуслуги связи (Alexander Demidov)
communication services contractдоговор на услуги связи (Alexander Demidov)
communications service contractдоговор на оказание услуг связи (AD)
communications service contractДоговор на оказание услуг связи (AD Alexander Demidov)
communications service providerоператор связи (A communications service provider or CSP is a service provider that transports information electronically. The term encompasses public and private companies in the telecom (landline and wireless), Internet, cable, satellite, and managed services businesses. The market in which a communication servi... Found op wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
communications service providerпровайдер услуг связи (Communications service provider A communications service provider or CSP is a service provider that transports information electronically. The term encompasses public and private companies in the telecom (landline and wireless), Internet, cable, satellite, and managed services businesses. The market in which a communication servi... Found on wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
communications servicesуслуги связи (ABelonogov)
Federal Service for Oversight of Communications and Mass MediaФедеральная служба по надзору в сфере связи и массовых коммуникаций (Alexander Demidov)
Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communication, Communications and the Protection of Cultural HeritageФедеральная служба по надзору в сфере массовых коммуникаций, связи и охраны культурного наследия (E&Y ABelonogov)
package of communication servicesкомплексные услуги связи (Alexander Demidov)
public relations and communication servicesдеятельность в сфере связей с общественностью (ОКВЭД 70.21 europa.eu 'More)
telematic communications servicesтелематические услуги связи (rechnik)