
Terms for subject General containing serious injury | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
he has been out of action for 6 months with a serious knee injuryон не работал в течение шести месяцев из-за серьёзной травмы колена
lead to serious injuryдостегать (as a result of lashing)
lead to serious injury as a result of lashingдостегать
serious head injuryсерьёзная травма головы (Always buckle up your child in the cart seat, then fasten him or her securely. You child can fall out of the cart and suffer a serious head injury. – получить серьёзную травму головы ART Vancouver)
serious injuryувечье
serious injury to a sector of the Russian economyсерьёзный ущерб отрасли российской экономики (ABelonogov)
threat of serious injury to a sector of the Russian economyугроза причинения серьёзного ущерба отрасли российской экономики (ABelonogov)