
Terms for subject Microsoft containing semantic | all forms | exact matches only
BI semantic modelсемантическая модель бизнес-аналитики (stachel)
semantic errorсемантическая ошибка (An error in meaning; a statement in a program that is syntactically correct (legal) but functionally incorrect)
semantic layoutсемантическая разметка (Markup that is based on meaning or intention, as opposed to direct specification of style)
Semantic Model Definition Languageязык определения семантических моделей (A set of instructions that describe layout and query information for reports created in Report Builder. Rori)
semantic objectсемантический объект (An object that can be represented by a database object or other real-world object)
semantic validationсемантическая проверка (The process of confirming that the elements of an XML file are logically valid)
Semantic Zoomконтекстное масштабирование (Zooming behavior that is specified by the developer. Zooming in on a UI or a collection of things and providing greater, meaningful context. You might zoom in on a collection of photos and suddenly titles or dates appear. The photos may go from file names to thumbnails or from small thumbnails to large ones, or from thumbnails to full photo files)