
Terms containing self-isolation | all forms | in specified order only
for.pol.economic and cultural self-isolationэкономико-культурная самоизоляция (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.in self-isolationна самоизоляции (Ремедиос_П)
gen.intellectual self-isolationинтеллектуальная самоизоляция (Sergei Aprelikov)
Makarov.lapse into a cocoon of self-isolationзамыкаться в себе
for.pol.lead to a path of self-isolationвести к самоизоляции (Fox News, USA Alex_Odeychuk)
el.self-aligned junction isolationметод изготовления ДМОП приборов с самосовмещением и изоляцией переходами
Игорь Мигself-imposed isolationсамоизоляция
health.self-isolationсамоизоляция (брит. англ. a public health strategy to separate oneself, if sick or potentially sick, from healthy individuals in order to slow the spread of contagious diseases such as COVID-19.: These days of self-isolation are bringing out the worst in some people. theguardian.com Apd-translate)
gen.self-isolation regime imposedвведенный режим самоизоляции (paseal)